Brad Phillips
Let's make music!
Hi, my friend!
It's a common, and understandable, misconception that the creation of music is a solo adventure. The belief is that one person taps into the cosmic mysteries of the universe and unfurls magnificent threads that are rewoven into meaningful sounds that we call music. This couldn't be further from the truth.
The making of music is a collaboration. From musicians to producers, lyricists to engineers, and vocalists to listeners. We all join forces, each offering bits of ourselves into the work, weaving the best of us together.
Which is where you come in, fellow collaborator. I'm currently preparing to record an EP and I'd love to have you along for the journey. Drop your email below and I'll reach out as soon as I have more news to share. For now, I'll leave you with a bedroom recording of "Dance Again" which will be the title track on the EP.
Thank you for your support. Creatives like me could not do this without people like you.